23 February 2011

*If you need lawyer in Indonesia*

List of some practising lawyers, notaries & law firms in Indonesia:

(*) Denotes lawyers dealing in criminal/civil litigation
(A) Denotes the legal firm employs an "Advocate"


Makarim & Taira S (A)
Summitmas I, 16-17th fl
Jl Jend. Sudirman Kav. 61-62
Jakarta 12190
Tel:  252 1272, 520 0001
Fax:  252 2750, 252 2751
Email : makarim& 
Website :
(Specialising in all types of business transactions, international trade, corporate, foreign investment, oil and gas, mining, banking and finance, capital markets and securities, telecommunications, intellectual property, property, construction and environmental law). UK qualified consultant: Richard Cornwallis (
Languages: Indonesian, English, French, German.
Ali Budiardjo, Nugroho, Reksodiputro, Counselors at Law 
Graha Niaga, 24th floor,
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 58,
Jakarta 12920, Indonesia.  
Phone: (62-21) 250-5125 (11 lines), 250-5136;
Fax: 250-5001;
Expertise: This firm handles insurance contract, civil law, damages, commercial law, government relations, banking/financial, commercial/business law, foreign investments, marketing agreements, corporations, transportation law.
The members are proficient in Indonesian, Dutch, English, German and French. 
This firm also provides certified translator and notary and will take cases outside Jakarta 

Edward N.H. Abraham, Juris Doctor–David Abraham, BSL & Partners (Partner of Bello & Partners, Robert Lieff USA Law Firm)

Prince Centre,
10th flr.,
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 3-4
Jakarta 10220, Indonesia
Telephone: (+62-21) 573-8987
Prince building operator: 573-6706 or 573-7312 Ext. 1708
Fax:  (62-21) 5738279
web site: 
cell phone of Mr. David Abraham (head of the office): +62-816-801-806
Expertise:  This law firm’s area practice include family law, adoptions, child custody, parental child abduction, child protection, marriage/divorce collections, insurance contracts, civil law, damages, commercial law, aeronautical/maritime, government relations, immigrations, banking/financial, commercial/business law, foreign investments, marketing agreements, patents/trademarks/copyrights, corporations, criminal law foreign claims, narcotics taxes, auto/accidents, transportation law, estates and labor relations.
Language: fluently English and Dutch. 
This firm also provides certified translator and notary and will take cases outside Jakarta.

Kartini Muljadi SH + Rekan
Bina Mulia Building, 5th-6th floor
Jl H R Rasuna Said Kav 10
Jakarta 12950
Cable address: Muljadi Law
Tel:  525 6968 (6 lines)
Telex: 62231 RSCO IA
Fax:  525 5561
Email :
(Specialising in foreign investment procedures, and documentation with respect to banking and financial transactions.)
Languages: Indonesian, English, Dutch

Gani Djemat & Partners (*) (A) 
Advocates & Solicitors (Legal Consultants)
Head Office:
Gani Djemat Plaza 8th fl
Jl Imam Bonjol No. 76-78
Jakarta 10310
Tel : 390 2887-390 3603 (hunting)
Fax : 390 2908
Email :
Jl Jend. Basuki Rachmat 129-137
Bumi Bapindo Building No. 402
Surabaya 60271
Tel/Fax:  031 547 7014-15
Fax: 031 547 7013
(Commercial and civil law, criminal & labour dispute, banking & finance law, taxation, capital investments, corporate law and capital markets, intellectual property and trademarks, property, maritime law and shipping insurance.)
Languages: Indonesian, English

Mochtar Karuwin & Komar
Wisma Metropolitan II, 14th fl
Jl Jend Sudirman Kav 31
Jakarta 12920
Tel : 5711 130
Fax : 5711 162, 570 1686
Email : 
Mailing address: PO Box 2844 Jakarta 10001
(General international commercial practice, foreign investment, capital markets and energy and mining law. The firm does not engage in a litigation practice nor does it undertake criminal or family law matters, the service of process or trade debt collection.)
Languages: Indonesian, English, Dutch

Tasrif & Associates (*)
Jl. Ir H Juanda II/4-B
Jakarta 10120
PO Box 3268/JKT 10002
Tel : 345 2512 (hunting)
Fax : 345 2512

(Criminal law; investment; bankruptcy; creditor representation, business litigation; corporate transactions support & services; shipping and maritime law)

George Widjojo & Partners 
Copyrights, Designs, Patents & Trademarks
Advocates & Solicitors
Jl. Kali Besar Barat No.5
Jakarta Kota 11230
PO Box 2102/JKT
Tel : 691 2226, 692 4533, 690 1707
Fax : 692 3648/693 0712
Email : 

Albert Hasibuan & Rekan (*) 
Jl Ki Mangunsarkoro 85
Jakarta 10320
Tel : 310 2656 (hunting)
Fax : 310 1586, 799 5418
Emai :
(International and general practice; banking & financing; business relationships and labour; energy & mining; foreign investment; hotel management; insurance; intellectual property rights; joint ventures; maritime & transportation; and tax.)

Languages: Indonesian, English, Dutch, French, Italian

Benedicta & Associates
Legal & Business Consultant
Wisma Iskandarsyah Unit A/9
Jl. Iskandarsyah Raya No.12-14
Kebayoran baru
Jakarta 12160
Tel : 723 5134-36
Fax : 723 5133
(General corporate and commercial; Company establishment, registration & licensing; Joint ventures; Mergers; Acquisitions; Labour laws; Administration law; Oil & Gas law; Land matters; Contractual matters; Trade Mark; Company evaluation; Partnership identification; Taxation; Telecommunication; Litigation & Arbitration.)

Velisia Larasati Law Offices

Sudirman Square Office Towers
Tower B, 19th floor
Jl Jend. Sudirman Kav. 45-46
Jakarta 12930
Tel : 575 0908
Email : 
Web :
(Taxation, Investment, Immigration, Corporate, Employment, Banking and Finance, Insurance, Intellectual Property, Cyberlaw and Technology, International Major Projects, Creditors' Rights, Construction, Environment, Tourism, Dispute Resolutions, Litigation and Maritime.)

Lembaga Bantuan Hukun Jakarta (A)
(Indonesian Legal Aid Service)
Jl Pangeran Diponegoro 74
Tel: 021 3145518(hunting)
Fax: 021 3912377 
Email : 
Website :
Specialising in: Commercial, Civil, Criminal Laws; Labour and Land Disputes
Linguistic Qualifications: Indonesian, English)
O.C.  Kaligis Solicitor (A)
Jl Majapahit 18-20
Komp Majapahit Permai B123
Tel: 021 3453992,3453994,3853250
Fax: 021 3808193
Specialising in: Civil, Criminal, Commercial, and Capital Market Laws.  They also provide legal services on Family Law - dissolution of marriage and, custody matters.)
Linguistic Qualifications: Indonesian, German, English, Dutch, Italian.
Soebagjo, Jatim & Jarot (A)
Plaza DM Lt 17, 
Jl Jend Sudirman Kav 25 
Tel: 021 5229765 (Hunting)
Fax: 021 5229752, 5229753
JAKARTA 12920 
Specialising in: Legal services including advice on banking, taxation, customs and imports, joint ventures, distribution and agency agreements, government contracts, mergers and acquisitions, capital markets, insurance, mining law, construction law, aviation and transport laws and technology transfer.)
Frans Winarta & Partners 
Attorney & Counsellors at Law
Kompleks Bukit Gading Mediterania Tel: (62) 021 4532143 (Hunting)
Boulevard Bukit Gading Raya, Blok A. 16 – 17  (62) 021 45854839
Kelapa Gading Permai Fax: (62) 021 4516605
JAKARTA – 14240  (62) 021 4520083
E-mail: ;
Specialising in: Legal services including advice on banking, taxation, customs and imports, joint ventures, distribution and agency agreements, government contracts, mergers and acquisitions, capital markets, insurance, mining law, construction law, aviation and transport laws and technology transfer.

Linguistic Qualifications: Indonesian, English.
Mr. Sangap Sidauruk (A)Sangap & Rekan 
Jl Raya Basuki Rachmat No. 21
JAKARTA 13410 
Tel: (62) 021 8561186; 85901901
Fax: (62) 021 8576596,8590412
Specialising in: General, Commercial and Criminal Law, Family Law- dissolution of marriage and, custody matters.

Lubis Santosa & Maulana Law Firm (A)

Mr. Todung Mulya Lubis
Mayapada Tower (ex Wisma Bank Dharmala), 5th Floor Email:
Jl Jenderal Sudirman Kav 28
Jakarta 12920
Tel: (62) 021 521 1931
Fax: (62) 021 521 1930
Email :

Farhat Abbas & Associates (A)
Mr. Muhammad Farhat Abbas
Jl.Mampang Perapatan 106 Plaza Basmar Lt.1
Jakarta Selatan
Tel: (62) 021 799 0349

Adnan Wirawan (A)
Graha Pratama Lt.18
Jl. MT Haryono Kav.15
Tel:   (62) 021 83793601
Fax:  (62) 021 83793601
Jakarta 12810

Wijaya & Company Law Firm (A)
Mr Asep Wijaya
Jl Raya Sunan Giri No 5A, Rawamangun Jakarta 13220
Suite 206, 2/F, Prestasi Building 
Tel:  (62) 021 4753173 ; 28999218
Fax:  (62) 021 47865463
Full service Law Firm principally engaged in the provision of wide range legal services to international clients in Indonesia for businesses, families and individuals and for Indonesian-Expatriate Couples.

Medan, North sumatra

Sakti Hasibuan MD, SH (A) 
Jl Sutomo No 160-BB 
Medan, Sumatera Utara
Tel: (62) 061 7366100 ; 7369503
Fax: (62) 061 719503
Specialising in: Civil and Corporate Laws, Family Law - dissolusion of marriage and, custody matters.
Linguistic Qualifications: Indonesian, English, Dutch

Henry Lie A Weng SH (*) 
Jl Ir H Juanda No.35
Tel:  061 4553 290, 4535 577
Fax:  061 4516 555

A Yahya Amir SH, Iwan Sembiring SH (*)
Jl Cut Nyak Din no.16
Tel : 061 453 8955
Fax : 061 453 8933
No email address

Charles Tigor Silalahi SH
Jl Mohamad Yamin No. 271 C D E
Tel. 061 414 8272
HP 0811 606157

Manado, North Sulawesi

Ms. Olga  L. Sumampouw, SH.(A) 
Hjh. Mangindaan & Associates Law Office
Jl. Sam ratulangi No. 152 
Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Tel: (62) 0431 863951
Fax: (62) 0431 866333
MOBILE:  0811430752
Specialising in: Criminal, Civil, and Commercial Laws; Land Disputes, Family Law - dissolusion of marriage and, custody matters.
Linguistic Qualifications: Indonesian, English

Mr. Robert E. Parengkuan, SH (A) 
Advocate & Legal Cconsultant
Jl. Sudirman  No. 11 
Manado 95122
Sulawesi Utara    
Tel.  (62) 0431 863273 ; 851133
Fax: (62) 0431 851042
Email :
Specialising in: Criminal, Civil, and Commercial Laws; Land Disputes, Family Law - dissolusion of marriage and, custody matters.
Linguistic Qualifications: Indonesian, English, and Dutch

Melbourne, Australia

Kennedy Guy 
Barristers and Solicitors 
20 Whithers Street 
Tel: (61) 3 93118511
Fax: (61) 3 93124990

Specialising in: Family law, dissolution of marriage, custody matters, maintenance or property settlement, interaction between Australian and Indonesian Law.  Willing to provide advice to Australian Expatriates in Indonesia.

Surabaya, East Java

Mr Zaidun   (A)Zaidun & Partners 
World Trade Center, 4th. Fl., Suit 455 – 460
Jl. Pemuda No. 27 – 31   
Tel: (62) 031 5465740 ; 5461835
Fax: (62) 031 5470077
Surabaya 60271 
Specialising in : Corporation, Business Transactions, Business & Corporate Structuring, Investment, Land & Real Property, Securities & Capital Market, Banking & Finance, International Trade, Employment, Patent and Trade Mark Law, Environmental & Maritime, Alternative Dispute Resolution.
Linguistic Qualifications: Indonesian and English.   

Mr Trimoelja D. Soerjadi  
Jl. Embong Sawo 16-18 
Tel: (62) 031 5344842
Fax: (62) 031 5317240
Email : 
Specialising in: Criminal, Civil, and Commercial Laws; Land Disputes, Family Law - dissolution of marriage and, custody matters.
Linguistic Qualifications: Indonesian, English.

Markus Sajogo & Associates
Attorneys & Counselors at Law
Jl. Untung Suropati No. 64
Surabaya 60264 
Tel: 62031 5677140, 5614624
Fax: 62 031 5671915
Specialising in : Civil & Criminal Litigation, Labour Law, Legal Aspects of Land and Property Rights, Finance and Banking Law, Investment and Capital Market Law, Legal Aspects of Business and Corporate Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution (A.D.R.), Intellectual Property Rights, Insurance and Collateral Law, Family Law, Auction and Execution of Court Judgment, Domestic and International Adoption, Bankruptcy/Insolvency Law (Receiver or Administrator).
Linguistic Qualifications: Indonesian, English, and Dutch.

Edward Dewaruci (Advocates) 
Jiwasraya Building 5th floor
Room # 502-503
Jl Raya Arjuna No. 95-99
Tel: 62 31 547 5161
Mobile: 0812 353 1601

Bernadetta Ratnasari Hajon, SH 
Yudistira Law Office
Wonosari Kidul No. 07
Tel. 62 31 563 0323
Fax. 62 31 563 0323
Mobile. 0817 936 4214

Purwadi and Associates
Jl Raya Sawotrejap
Gedengen Sidardo
Tel. 62 31 8555030
Fax. 62 21 8555036
Mobile. 0812 303 1623

N Hardijana or Namanya Mulyo Hardijana & Associates
Tel. 62 31 70111165 ; 5933620
Mobile 0818 301470

Krisna Law Firm
Tel. 62 31 828 2830
Fax. 62 31 82881841
Mobile 62 31 7099 2181

Social Worker 
Maria Mustika
Tel. 62 31 591 4668

Central Java & Yogyakarta

Semarang, Central Java

Mr Benjamin Tedjoraharjo, SH.  
Jl Letjen Suprapto 1 
Semarang 50121  
Tel: (62) 024 3517237,  3547104 ; 3517237
Fax: (62) 024 8315486,
Associate: Mr Rohadi HARTAWIDJAJA      
Specialising in: Civil and Commercial Law, Estate and Trade Dispute cases.  Does NOT handle Criminal cases.
Linguistic Qualifications: Indonesian, English, Dutch.

Mr Santoso H. Traitman & Associates
Jl Kepatihan Barat A-5 (Jl Pemuda)  Semarang  
Tel: (62) 024 3546029,
Fax: (62) 024 3548679,
Mobile: (62) 0811 290943,
Specialisation: Banking Affairs.
Linguistic Qualifications: Indonesian and some English

Solo, Central Java

Jacob & Associates
Jl Kemasan 22 RT 07/RW 01, Kepatihan 
Kulon Jebres, Solo 57129  
Associates: Mr Jacob Chris, SH, Mr Joni Laksito, SH 
                 Mr Theo Wahyu Winarto, SH,  
                 Mr Sunarto, SH
Tel: (62) 0271 56582
Specialising in: Civil and Commercial Law, Estate and Trade Dispute cases.  Does NOT handle Criminal cases.
Linguistic Qualifications: Indonesian and English.


Ms Titiek R Danumihardjo, SH.
Jl Purwanggan (in front of Hero)
Semarang 50121  
Associates: Mr Bastari Ilyas, SH
                   Mr Abdul Haris Semendawai, SH
Tel: (62) 0274 541622,

Specialising in: Civil and Criminal Laws, Collection Cases, Estate and Trade Disputes.
Linguistic Qualifications: Indonesian and English.

LHS Law Firms  (A) 
Business Law Advocates & Legal Consultants
Hotel Bugisan, Jl Sugeng Jeroni No 48
Tel: (62) 0818 271155
Specialising in: Business & Administrative Law, Accidents, Civil Litigation, Criminal Law, Debt Recovery, General Practice, Export Import, Personal Injury, Real Estate, Trade and Venture Capital.
Linguistic Qualifications: Indonesian and English.

LHS Partners, Advocaters & Legal  (A) 
Business Law & Corporate Law Firm 
Jl Raya Yogya – Wonosari KM 7
Wiyorokidul No 1
Tel: (62) 0818 278386
Specialising in: Business & Administrative Law, Accidents, Civil Litigation, Criminal Law, Debt Recovery, General Practice, Export Import, Personal Injury, Real Estate, Trade and Venture Capital.
Linguistic Qualifications: Indonesian and English.


Agus Saputra, SH, & Assoc.   
Contact: Agus Saputra, SH
Jl. Raya Sesetan, Komp. Sesetan Agung A8
Ph: +62 (0) 361 238880
Fax: +62 (0) 361 239996
(civil and commercial, personal injury, family law, commercial law, intellectual property, contracts. Criminal law – offences, narcotics, trade criminal. Corporate – companies and partnerships, taxation, trade practices, licence. Property).
Languages: English only.

Kartika Association   
Contact: Diddy Siswayudi, SH ; I Ketut Korma SH, Azhari SH
Rukan Niti Mandala No. 16   
Jl. Raya Puputan, Renon, Denpasar 80225
Ph: +62 (0) 361 225750
Fax: +62 (0) 361 225754
Home Tel/Fax : : +62 (0) 361 222389
(general legal, foreign investment, corporate law including tax, property, criminal injuries marriages, narcotics. Patent, trademark & copyright).
Language: English and several other languages.

Law Office Erwin Siregar SH & Associates  
Contact: Erwin Siregar, SH
Sutatik, SH
Kerta Wijaya Shopping Centre     
Jl. Diponegoro 98 Blok C-21
Ph: +62 (0) 361 236709 ; 227147
Fax: +62 (0) 361 236709
Mobile Phone : +62 (0) 811399908
(criminal and civil, intellectual property, property, marriage/divorce, advice for foreign investors, labour cases ).

Robert Khuana, SH    
Contact: Robert Khuana, SH
Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 206C
Ph: +62 (0) 361 240810
Fax: +62 (0) 361 262734 
Mobile phone : +62 (0) 811392389
(Civil and commercial, personal injury, family law, commercial law, intellectual property, contracts, criminal-offences, narcotics, trade criminal, corporate – companies and partnerships, taxation, trade practices, licence, property).



Elsa Gazali SH 
Jl Pluit Barat I Block C No.49
Jakarta Utara 14450
Tel:  661 1449, 668 2990
Fax:  668 2989
No Email address


Rika You Soon Shin, SH 
Jl Jimerto 19
Tel:  031 531 7853, 547 3628
Fax:  031 534 2365
Email :


Lien Tanudirdja SH 
Jl Naripan No.43
Tel:  022 4239 226, 4239 904, 424 1880, 4210060
Fax:  022 4239 712
Languages: Indonesian, English, Dutch, German
No Email Address
Rosy SH 
Kantor Notaris & Pejabat Pembuat Akte Tanah
Jalan Karang Anyar No.8
Bandung 40241
Jawa Barat
Tel:  022 4233 318
No Fax & Email Address


Djaidir SH 
Jl A Yani VII No. 24
Tel:  061 4519 342
Fax:  061 4512 290

Andreas Ng M SH 
Jl Let.Jen Suprapto No. 2L
Tel / Fax: +62 (0)61 4537 753

Chairani Bustamil SH
Jl Jend A Yani No.16
Tel:  061 4517 755
Fax:  061 4514 802
Zulfikar SH 
Jl Jend A Yani VII No.15
Tel:  061 4512 965

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